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# 域名解析教程 ## 什么是域名解析? 在互联网中,每个网站都有一个独特的IP地址。一般用户无法记住复杂的IP地址,因此使用域名来访问网站。然而,域名和IP地址之间并没有直接的联…

# 域名解析教程

## 什么是域名解析?


**What is DNS resolution?**

Every website on the internet has a unique IP address. However, it is difficult for users to remember the complex IP addresses, so domain names are used to access websites. There is no direct connection between domain names and IP addresses, so domain name resolution is needed to convert domain names into corresponding IP addresses.

## 域名解析的流程

1. 当用户在浏览器中输入一个网站的域名时,浏览器会向本地DNS服务器发送一个DNS查询请求。

**The domain name resolution process**

1. When a user enters a website’s domain name in their browser, the browser sends a DNS query to the local DNS server.

2. 如果本地DNS服务器缓存中有这个网站的IP地址,则直接返回给浏览器。

2. If the local DNS server has the IP address of the website in its cache, it will return it directly to the browser.

3. 如果本地DNS服务器缓存中没有这个网站的IP地址,则会向根DNS服务器发送一个DNS查询请求。

3. If the local DNS server does not have the IP address of the website in its cache, it will send a DNS query to the root DNS server.

4. 根DNS服务器会返回顶级域名服务器的地址。

4. The root DNS server returns the address of the top-level domain name server.

5. 本地DNS服务器再向顶级域名服务器发出DNS查询请求。

5. The local DNS server then sends a DNS query to the top-level domain name server.

6. 顶级域名服务器会返回下一级DNS服务器的地址。

6. The top-level domain name server returns the address of the next-level DNS server.

7. 本地DNS服务器再向下一级DNS服务器发出DNS查询请求。

7. The local DNS server then sends a DNS query to the next-level DNS server.

8. 重复上述步骤,直到本地DNS服务器获得了这个网站的IP地址,并将其缓存起来。

8. Repeat the above steps until the local DNS server obtains the IP address of the website and caches it.


## Common types of domain name resolution records

– A记录:将域名解析成IPv4地址。

– A record: Resolves a domain name to an IPv4 address.

– AAAA记录:将域名解析成IPv6地址。

– AAAA record: Resolves a domain name to an IPv6 address.

– CNAME记录:将一个域名解析成另一个域名。

– CNAME record: Resolves one domain name to another domain name.

– MX记录:将域名解析成邮件服务器的地址。

– MX record: Resolves a domain name to the address of a mail server.

– TXT记录:允许在DNS中添加任意的文本。

– TXT record: Allows for arbitrary text to be added to the DNS.

## 总结



Domain name resolution is the process of converting a domain name into a corresponding IP address. When a user enters a website’s domain name in their browser, the browser sends a DNS query to the local DNS server. This process continues, with the server making successive requests until it obtains the website’s IP address. It is important to understand the different types of DNS records in order to correctly configure domain names.



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